Base Oils

RAFFINAT ISO VG 10 /15 /22 /32 /46 /68 /100 /150 /220 /320 /460 /680

DIN 51502: KF2K-30, consistency class NLGl 2
MOTOR GOLD Mehrzweckfett 3203 M (Graphit) - Graphite containing lithium grease for normally loaded rolling and plain bearings as well as for sliding surfaces. Operating temperature range: -30°C to +130°C. For commercial road vehicles, passenger cars, building and agricultural machinery as well as in stationary aggregates.
Package  : 25 kg,  12* 400 g

RAFFINAT PPD ISO VG 10 / 15 / 22 / 32 / 46 / 68 / 100

RAFFINATES PPD are paraffinic uncompounded base oils, which can be used for the production of high quality lubricants. High oxidation- and colour stability, excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour, low volatility and low sulfur content .
Package  : Bulk

SYNRAFFINAT ISO VG 10 / 15 / 22 / 32 / 46 / 68 / 100

SYNRAFFINATES are synthetic uncompounded base oils, which can be used for the production of high quality lubricants. High oxidation- and colour stability, excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour, low volatility and low sulfur content .
Package  : Bulk

KERNSOLVAT KS® 100 / 150 / 200

Base Oils Kernsolvat  KS are paraffin-based uncompounded oils, which can be used as the basis for the production of high quality lubricants. Due to the high oxidation- and colour stability, excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour, low volatility and low sulfur content. Kernsolvat KS is suitable for the production of engine, gear, hydraulic and industrial oils. Furthermore they can be used in the chemical industry as well as
in various production processes.
Package  : Bulk ,  965 L